Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Burnt Edges continued

Okay, here is a burnt edge picture trying it the way my friend Allie suggested. I like this look alot better, not so organized. Try it out everyone and let us know how you like it.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Burnt Edges Look

Okay, thanks to Lexi (Thank-you Lexi!) I finally know how to do the burnt edges look. I tried what you told me and you were right, it turned out great! I then remembered that Becky had e-mailed me months ago how to do it and searched my e-mail for the directions. Here they are:

1. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to make a selection an inch and a half in from the edge of the entire photo.

2. Go to ‘Select’ then ‘Feather’ (I typically make the selection about 40+ pixels)

3. Go to ‘Select’ then ‘Inverse’

4. Go to ‘Image’ then ‘Adjustments’ then ‘Levels’

5. Pull the middle slider (it’s gray) to the right a tiny bit

Hope you don't mind me sharing this Becky (which I'm sure you're thinking I'm a Barney for even asking). I chose to use the oval marquee for this picture because it just fit better. Although, I should have moved it down a little bit more but you get the jist. Below is my experiment with it:

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Just a picture I took. Maybe they'll help inspire you to take some more pictures as well. I just thought these kids were so funny trying to take care of their little bro.